Deck Name : Asguresh skjuter skarpt
Author : Stefan Karlsson
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 4 max: 6 average: 5.08333
----------------------------------------- 4x Asguresh 6 CEL NEC aus Nagaraja:5
2x Titi Camara 5 AUS CEL pot Osebo:5
2x Idrissa 4 CEL aus Osebo:4
1x Elizabeth Conde 5 CEL FOR pre Ishtarri:4
1x Laecanus 5 CEL obt pre Toreador:4
1x Michael diCarlo 5 CEL obf qui Assamite:4
1x Fairuza 4 CEL pre !Brujah:5Library [78 cards]
----------------------------------------- Action [12]
10x Bum's Rush
2x HarassCombat [40]
5x Blur
7x Concealed Weapon
2x Infernal Pursuit
8x Psyche!
8x Pursuit
3x Sideslip
7x Taste of VitaeEquipment [10]
8x .44 Magnum![]()
2x Codex of the Edenic GroundskeepersEvent [2]
2x DragonboundMaster [14]
6x Blood Doll
2x Fame
1x Haven Uncovered
2x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Powerbase: Luanda
1x Tension in the Ranks
I have tried this deck a couple of times and usually it does quite well but sometimes it just dies before it gets started. I think the basic concept is good but the deck needs some optimizing and that is where I need your help.
Asguresh is a fantastic vampire for a Celerity gun deck, his special ability can counter virtually any form of combat or combat defence. The deck is built around him so advices like “Go for Anson/Ashur instead” are pointless. The reason for having duplicates of Titi and Idrissa is that I want to be sure to bring at least one Laibon to the ready region to be able to play Powerbase:Luanda.
Codex of the Edenic Groundskeepers is very good for actually ousting and not only bringing a shitload of vampires to torpor. The Master package seems about right but when I’m efficient in combat sometimes I jam on Masters. Infernal Pursuit is one of the latest additions to be able to cycle some away. Where I feel I need the most help is the Combat-section. I don’t have much experience playing gun-decks and I have a hard time getting proportions right.
When you help me trim this deck think of it as the deck that will win EC2010. Many thanks in advance!
Fleetness would be a very good substitute for both the bums rush and harass.
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe a fleetness or two could be included instead of Bum's Rush. The blood cost and the need for rushing a tapped minion makes it inferior at most occasions. But +1 stealth is nice and I should definately swap the two Harass for Fleetness. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGo for Anson/Ashur instead :P
ReplyDeleteI think the deck could benefit a lot by adding some auspex in there also. Some vampires worthy of consideration are Homa (also a Laibon), Dominique Santo Paulo and Lindsay Yates.
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking of adding auspex, sure. Problem is that it won't help me against the deck types that I have problems facing. A stealth/bleed deck will still get past when the star only has aus and I won't have enough blockers to stop a swarm. And it will be another element in the deck making the combat and ousting mechanisms less reliable.
ReplyDeleteI agree about the Auspex. With perhaps a skillcard or two for Asguresh. When your problem is being ousted too soon it will mostly be by stealthbleeders. There are two things you can do. 1- Add hoards of intercept + eagle sight for forward motion. 2- Add enough bounce. Rushing your predator is no use, since it won't get you a VP. Auspex has its advantages in a gun deck. You get to play Quicken Sight, and Aura Reading, both helpful in combat. Against weenies: add some wakes, and torp them all with your Magnum. You have 12 slots left, why not 4x Quivive 3xWWEF, 5xEyes of Argus. But maybe this is advice in the Ashur-category, i don't know. If you don't want to change too much, think about the wakes, there's always space for some, and they are easily flushed, and you get to do more combat :D
ReplyDeleteI like your blog by the way!
Rushing predator doesn't give a victory point, that is true. But rushing predator is the key for the game win.
ReplyDeleteThis deck is supposed to work this way:
1.Rush and torporise every minion your predator has who can get you into trouble. Repeat if necessary.
2.Rush and torporise every minion your prey has.
3.Kill your prey.
Sometimes you have to kill two or even three predators this way and other times you don't even have to kill your first.
I still think that the combat will be less effective if I have to add bounce, wake and intercept. The 12 slots are actually not slots at all in my world. This deck should run around 75 cards, I actually could remove some cards and not run out in 9 of 10 games.
And you are right in that adding intercept would change the deck type and if I'm not convinced otherwise I would like to keep this a rush deck.
Let see, as someone said above maybe 3 or 4 Master: Auspex would help for bounce and like 5 or 6 Telepathic Misdirection and 4 On the Qui Vive. Only 1 Haven uncovered wouldn't help too much, maybe 2 or 3 for key minions or replace it for Pentex(TM) Subversion.
Since you double up some necessary cards. I would instead make the library smaller. You have nice permanents so a small deck could be the solution.
ReplyDeleteMaybe something like this?
Library [60 cards]
Action [10]
8x Bum's Rush
2x Harass
Combat [32]
2x Blur
7x Concealed Weapon
2x Infernal Pursuit
7x Psyche!
7x Pursuit
1x Sideslip
6x Taste of Vitae
Equipment [8]
7x .44 Magnum
1x Codex of the Edenic Groundskeepers
Event [1]
1x Dragonbound
Master [9]
4x Blood Doll
1x Fame
1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Powerbase: Luanda
1x Tension in the Ranks
// Robert
I think one or two fleetness would be good. Also, maybe you could go down one on the concealed, the psyche, the pursuit, and a .44, to add in some dodges with dual function. Like side strike for dodge if needed but also as an additional as well. Flash is also a good gun deck multi-function card. I know the psyche is to get around combat ends, but with all the rushes I think you will run most out of S:CE. Maybe six psyche and a couple more flash for the maneuver and/or press. Getting to long without having to always use the gun maneuver is crucial, especially against other ranged combat decks where the dodge of a walk of flames or a thrown sewer lid for 5 can save your minion from torpor and possibly save you from your own dragonbound/tension.
Many good ideas here. I fear reducing the deck to 60 cards I will run out in many games. On the other hand after playing 60 cards, Asguresh's special together with a Magnum is maybe enough to win the table without more cards.
ReplyDeleteSome Flashes and dodges should find its way in here for sure. I'll be working on it and presenting an updated version.
Overall, it looks pretty solid! I think Asguresh's ability is made for this kind of deck. I'd recommend changes very similar to those already suggested:
ReplyDelete- Make sure your crypt has enough vampires with AUS - five is good. Then add six wakes (not all OtQV!) and six AUS bounce cards, minimum. Without bounce, it will be very difficult to back-rush fast enough to stay alive.
- Trade out a couple of rushes for Fleetness or Nose of the Hound; however, make sure that 8 or more of your rush cards don't have a restriction
- ditch one Dragonbound, one PB:Luanda. Maybe also one Codex, one Heidelberg, but that's your call. Late game is not your problem here.
- Add one Powerbase: Tshwane, because -1 cost on guns is awesome; if you see other Laibon on the table, you can just discard it.
- Add one Divine Sign, because it's so easy to play - Asguresh won't often be blocked, and you untap after the action if successful.
- add 1-2 Wider View - you have no trifles yet, it's a bit more pool gain, and it's a combo with Powerbase: Tshwane.
- Consider adding one Monster, because untap is good stuff. If you do, think twice about Fleetness, as paying 2 blood for a combat is expensive.
How about switching .44 magnums for Desert Eagles instead? I think you have enough maneuvers with other cards.
ReplyDeleteAdd 1 Pier 13
Add 3 Perfectionist.
Add 1 Haven Uncovered
Add 1 Fragment Book of Nod
Remove 1 Bum´s Rush
Remove 2 Taste of Vitae
Remove 2 Blood dolls
Remove 2 Infernal Pursuit
Remove 1 Conceal Weapon
aus/AUS + CEL is really the way to go. Defense becomes easier for sure. Quicken Sight is an awesome card for combat, plus you get bounce. Last but not least, you could do Aura Reading. I love me some Aura Reading when concealing .44s because if you don't have one component, you can find the other. At basic, you can look at their hand and see what you should cancel. Nose of the Hound is great, definitely consider that. 1x Divine Sign is a good suggestion.
ReplyDeleteI will try and optimise the combat package with the advices you have given me and post the updated decklist soon. I underatand the point in adding Auspex but I will give the pure CEL variant some more shots before I do that quite drastic rebuild. Thanks to all for your good advices!