
The Expectation Analysis Experiment - Part 2 - The Pop Star

Time again for a monthly Gothenburg tournament and another expectation analysis. I'm writing this Thursday 11 February but you will be reading it earliest Saturday 13 February since I don't want to spoil the deck to the other participants.
The deck I will play this time is a remade version of Matt Morgans winning deck from day 1 of NAC 2008. I have made what I feel is improvements to it and slimmed it down to 60 cards witch should be enough. The most important change is of course that I changed clan from Assamites to Daughters of Cacophony. Alex Ek and Erik Torstensson helped me with the last polishing of details so credits should go to them.

Before I discuss further, here is the deck list:
Deck Name : The Pop Star
Author : Stefan Karlsson

Crypt (13 vampires) Capacity min: 1 max: 6 average: 3.30769
5x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:0
2x Yseult 6 FOR MEL PRE Daughter :3
2x Angela Preston 5 MEL PRE for Daughter :2
1x Gael Pilet 6 FOR MEL chi pre Daughter :2
1x Delilah Monroe 4 MEL for pre Daughter :2
1x Celeste, The Voice 3 mel pre Daughter :2
1x Muse 3 ani for mel Daughter :2

Library (60 cards)
Action (14)
8x Embrace, The
1x Entrancement
1x Fee Stake: Boston
1x Fee Stake: Corte
1x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1x Fee Stake: Perth
1x Fee Stake: Seattle

Action Modifier (11)
1x Cryptic Rider
2x Daring the Dawn
2x Freak Drive
4x Missing Voice, The
2x Voter Captivation

Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Madrigal

Combat (3)
3x Dodge

Event (1)
1x Uncoiling, The

Master (13)
1x Anarch Railroad
2x Bastille Opera House
2x Conductor
1x Coven, The
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
1x Paris Opera House
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Seattle Committee

Political Action (14)
7x Consanguineous Boon
5x Kine Resources Contested
2x Revolutionary Council
The general idea is to survive my predator's pressure via the Consanguineous Boons and seem like no big threat towards my prey (yeah right, good luck!) until I drop Revolutionary Council for 10+ pool damage. I have chosen Daughters since they have access to some very strong cards while I am aware that I lose some of the strengths of the Assamite version.
I know this deck will drop dead at some tables and my hopes are for 2 game wins in the preliminary rounds but 1 is more realistic and I will be happy with that. In the final I will probably not encounter as much combat as in the preliminaries and if I read and flow with the table balance I should be able to achieve a 3-2 or 3-1-1 win.
The good thing with this deck is that when it gets hammered by another deck, be it rush, wall or fast bleed, you can easily grow strong again if you plead for your cross table buddies for help. I suspect that that will be key to my success this Saturday.

I will give you some short comments on the different card categories in this deck so you see why I have chosen what I have chosen:
Crypt (13 vampires) Capacity min: 1 max: 6 average: 3.30769
5x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:0
2x Yseult 6 FOR MEL PRE Daughter :3
2x Angela Preston 5 MEL PRE for Daughter :2
1x Gael Pilet 6 FOR MEL chi pre Daughter :2
1x Delilah Monroe 4 MEL for pre Daughter :2
1x Celeste, The Voice 3 mel pre Daughter :2
1x Muse 3 ani for mel Daughter :2
I want at least 5 vampires with capacity 5 or higher to have a good chance of an early Baron. This is one of the parts where this deck is inferior to the Assamite version since thy have a better Baron crypt. Erik made me put in a fifth Anarch Convert and I have to trust him there, I have not done the maths myself yet. This crypt has never disappointed me in play testing so far.
Action (14)
8x Embrace, The
1x Entrancement
1x Fee Stake: Boston
1x Fee Stake: Corte
1x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1x Fee Stake: Perth
1x Fee Stake: Seattle
The 8 Embraces may seem a little over the top but it is really important to play two or three early so I can gain enough pool to survive with my Con Boons. 5 Fee Stakes feels about right and the Entrancement is simply too good to exclude.
Action Modifier (11)
1x Cryptic Rider
2x Daring the Dawn
2x Freak Drive
4x Missing Voice, The
2x Voter Captivation

Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Madrigal
In the first versions of this deck I had plenty of Freak Drives but multi-acting isn't really that important for the deck. The two that are left are more there to be able to make that last unexpected ousting action than anything else. Earlier I also had more stealth but still with the 4 Missing Voice I have left I tend to discard them as often as I play them. I still want to keep them because I know I need them when facing a real block deck. Daring the Dawn is there for the crucial Revolutionary Council and Voter Captivation is actually there more for blood- than pool gain. Madrigal is a wonderful card that can make people do stupid mistakes out of greed so they are auto-include in this deck. Also all my Daughters gets one blood if I tap Bastille Opera House or have Conductor in play.
Combat (3)
3x Dodge
Maybe the best choice would be no combat defence at all but an Embrace playing Dodge can be just that little extra surprise that will grant me an oust. In earlier versions I packed some Majesties but Dodge feels like a more versatile choice for this deck.
Event (1)
1x Uncoiling, The
Main targets: Unmasking and Scourge of the Enochians.
Master (13)
1x Anarch Railroad
2x Bastille Opera House
2x Conductor
1x Coven, The
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
1x Paris Opera House
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Seattle Committee
Three different stealth locations is a great asset for this deck. It's important to get Bastille Opera House and/or Conductor in play as fast as possible, thereby two copies each. I also want to get Seattle Committee in play before mid-game since it's the only sane way in making Embraces Anarchs. Some blood gain, the mandatory Pentex and the real Pop Star - Garibaldi-Meucci Museum. That is probably the best card in the deck since it allows me to get one Revolutionary Council each round when I need them.
Political Action (14)
7x Consanguineous Boon
5x Kine Resources Contested
2x Revolutionary Council
7 Con Boons might be one or two to few but I hope not. The Kines are there as a second ousting mechanism and 2 Revolutionary Council should be enough together with Garibaldi-Meucci Museum.

1 comment:

  1. I don't play Daughters myself but I know all about how powerful they can be. Looking forward to read about whether or not you got good use out of Revolutionary Council.
