
Hiers to the Blood Starter Spoilers

Copied and pasted from the newsgroup below are the contents of the four starter decks for the upcoming expansion Hiers to the Blood. There is also card texts for the previously unreleased cards in the starters. Enjoy.


1 Titus Camille
1 Polly Kay Fisher
1 Jefferson Foster
1 Mariel St. John
1 Jephta Hester
1 Neighbor John
1 Aredhel
1 Langa
1 Nkechi
1 Rashiel
2 Uriel

!Salubri, G4, cap 8
AUS FOR VAL ani obe
Sabbat bishop: In combat, the controller of the opposing minion plays
with an open hand.

2 Villein
2 Vessel
2 Blooding by the Code
1 Path of Retribution, The
1 Corporate Hunting Ground
1 Information Highway
1 Fame
1 Fortitude
1 Auspex

4 Govern the Unaligned
3 Abbot
2 Brother in Arms
2 Rumble
2 Sense of Death
1 Graverobbing
1 Blessing of the Name

5 Baseball Bat

2 Dawn Operation

5 Indomitability
5 Unflinching Persistence
3 Vengence of Samiel
3 Sword of the Righteous
3 Target Vitals
2 Death Seeker
1 Blissful Agony
1 Eye of Unforgiving Heaven

5 Wake with Evening's Freshness
3 Eyes of Argus
3 Enhanced Senses
3 Precognition
2 Telepathic Counter
2 Hide the Heart
1 Melange

1 Dragonbound

Hide the Heart
Reaction, aus/val, no cost
[aus] Reduce a bleed against you by 1.
[val] The action ends (unsuccessfully). The acting minion may burn 1
blood to cancel this card as it is played. Onle one Hide the Heart may
be played ay [val] each action.
[VAL] Reduce a bleed against you by 2, or tap to reduce a bleed
against any Methuselah by 2.

Death Seeker
Combat, !Salubri, costs 1 pool
Cancel a combat card played by the opposing minion as it is played (no
cost is paid). A vampire can play only one Death Seeker each round.


1 Federico di Padua
1 Shahid
1 Topaz
1 Harold Tanner
1 Petra
1 Slag
1 Troglodytia
1 Tanginé
1 Macoute
1 Abebe
2 Baroque

Samedi, G5, cap 7
NEC THA aus for obf
Independent: Baroque can enter combat with a younger vampire who is
not Giovanni or Nosferatu as a (D) action.

4 Agent of Power
2 Villein
2 Vessel
2 Coroner's Contact
1 Warsaw Station
1 Dummy Corporation
1 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Houngan

4 Computer Hacking
3 Night Moves
2 Little Mountain Cemetery
2 Deep Song
2 Horseshoes
2 Off Kilter
1 Divine Sign
1 Rampage
1 Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight

3 Sport Bike
3 Camera Phone

3 Reanimated Corpse
1 Underbridge Stray

4 Lost in Crowds
4 Veil the Legions
4 Cloak the Gathering
2 Mask of a Thousand Faces
2 Freak Drive
2 Under my Skin
1 Marked Path
1 Hag's Wrinkles

2 Cold Aura
2 Compress
2 Soak

4 On the Qui Vive
3 Steadfastness
2 Elder Intervention

Off Kilter
Action, Samedi, no cost
+1 stealth action
Gain 1 pool. If you do not have the Edge, you get the Edge. Otherwise,
you may burn the Edge to gain 1 additional pool.

Under my Skin
Action Modifier, obf/thn, 1 blood
[obf] +1 stealth
[thn] +1 stealth and put this card on this vampire. On any action
after this one, this vampire may burn this card to get +1 stealth.
[THN] As [thn] above, but for +2 stealth when played.


1 Luca Italicus
1 Lord Vauxhall
1 Black Wallace
1 Virginie, Prodigy
1 Ermenegildo, the Rake
1 Andrew Emory
1 Pherydima
1 Omme Enberbenight
1 Roderick Phillips March
1 Dame Hollerton
2 Isanwayen

Kiasyd, G4, cap 6
Sabbat: While ready Isanwayen may tap to give you an additional master
phase action. Recuing him from torpor costs an additional blood. Cold
iron vulnerability.

2 Villein
2 Wider View
2 Blind Spot
2 Capitalist
1 Vessel
1 Obtenebration
1 Dominate
1 Political Hunting Ground
1 Channel 10
1 Sudden Reversal

6 Govern the Unaligned
1 Eternal Vigilance
1 Goblinism
1 Song of Pan

2 Tinglestripe
1 Zaire River Ferry

2 Nocturn

1 Mr. Winthrop

6 Bonding
6 Stone Travel
4 Shadow Play

1 Shroud of Absence
1 Blanket of Night
4 Aura Absorption
4 Murmur the False Will
3 Fae Contortion

3 Absob the Mind
3 Oubliette
2 Darkness Within
1 Autonomic Mastery

3 Obedience
3 On the Qui Vive
2 Covincraft
2 Folderol

Wider View
Master, no requirements, 1 pool
Master: Trifle
Put this card in play. You may use a transfer to move the top card
from your crypt to your uncontrolled region and then remove a crypt
card in your uncontrolled region from the game. You may use four
transfers to burn this card and gain 2 pool.

Equipment, requires Mytherceria, no cost
[myt]Strike: 2R damage. This weapon can be used as a strike only once
each round.
[MYT] As above, or strike: 1R damage, with an optional maneuver each


1 Lord Ephraim Wainwright
1 Muhsin Samir
1 Claus Wegener
1 Hector Trelane
1 Tarrence Moore
1 Frank Weisshadel
2 Cedric
2 Rocia
2 Rusticus

Gargoyle, G5, cap 4
VIS for
Camarilla. Tremere Slave: Flight.

2 Villein
2 Effective Management
1 Thaumaturgy
1 Fame
1 Guardian Angel
1 Depravity
1 Antediluvian Awakening
1 Barrens, The
1 Wasserschloss Anif, Austria
1 Chantry

3 Bum's Rush

1 Defender of the Haven
1 Create Gargoyle

1 Soul of the Earth
1 Hatchling

1 Rock Cat

3 Razor Bat
1 J.S. Simmons, Esq.

4 Conditioning

4 Stonestrength
4 Rockheart
4 Slam
4 Soak
3 Torn Signpost
3 Immortal Grapple
3 Raking Talons
2 Pounce
2 Lead Fist

6 Wake with Evening's Freshness
4 Scry the Hearthstone
4 Patrol
4 Deflection
2 Voices of the Castle

Voices of the Castle
Reaction, tha/vis, no cost
[tha] This vampire burns 1 blood to get +1 intercept.
[vis] +1 intercept, or give +1 intecept to a vampire to whom this
vampire is enslaved.
[VIS] Reduce a bleed against you by 2.

Lead Fist
Combat, tha/vis, no cost
[tha] Strike: hand strike at +1 damage.
[vis] As [tha] above, an once this round this vampire can burn a blood
to get a press, only usable to continue combat.
[VIS] As [vis] above, but at +2 damage.

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